Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Over the past few weeks, each one of us has been affected by the videos and statements released regarding Planned Parenthood and the harsh, murderous realities that are hidden in the safety of a “nice” word like “abortion.” My newsfeed has been full of reactions. From both sides. From all angles. All equally passionate and desperate to be heard. In case you didn’t know, I would be labeled pro-life. Of the two sides, that is the one I would pick. But today … today I want to challenge all of you that would put yourselves on this same side. Are you pro-life? Are you really? Please stay with me a little here. Life truly hangs in the balance of this discussion.

I don’t normally like to get involved in hot topics like this. I don’t enjoy conflict. I only enjoy a good debate after I have had time to deeply think about and process the subject. And so, I have said almost nothing over the past weeks. I have sat back, read through my newsfeed, thought, and prayed. But today is the day to speak. Today is an anniversary in our family. One year ago today, my husband and I sat in the courthouse and promised – under oath – to accept 3 little girls into our family. We promised that we would love them as our own, and acknowledged that they were a permanent part of our family. We gave those little girls a new last name – our last name. We are a family, and we are pro-life.

I want to speak to each one of you today that have watched the videos and read the statements. I want to speak to each one of you that has sobbed, railed in anger, fasted, prayed, called your senators, and shared links and articles. You are speaking out in support of life. Thank you. The lost voices of those precious little ones deserve a voice spoken out loudly in their defense. They need someone to fight a battle for them that they cannot fight themselves.

But, can I take you to another side, please? Can I speak out with a voice for others whose voices have been lost in this awful battle of life and death? Voices whose words are drowned out by angry, hateful judgments shouted at them? Voices who feel like the “choices” that they have aren’t “choices” at all?

v  May I speak for the woman who walked past angry, hateful protestors to enter an establishment to help care for her body after the loss of a precious baby she desperately wanted?
v  May I speak for the children, all the children in our over-run foster system? The children whose moms chose life and now can't care for that life? Children who desperately need a mommy and daddy, sisters and brothers to step up and love them while they can’t be with their own? The children who need a place to stay for however long the courts declare it is necessary? The children who need love to truly, unselfishly be given to them as they face one of the biggest traumas in their trauma-filled lives? The children who are so often over-looked in favor of “clean” adoptions where there is no “baggage?”
v  May I speak for the woman who is desperately fighting for survival in the midst of an abusive relationship? The woman who lives in such great fear every day of her life that she would rather end the life of her precious baby than bring him or her into the life she lives every day?
v  May I speak for the woman going to college who was raped by a friend? The woman whose shame was so great that the only answer she could think of was to hide all the evidence?
v  May I speak for the fathers – the men, the boys – the fathers who don’t know how to have a voice? The ones who have been told that this is the woman’s choice? The ones who would love to raise their babies, but feel they have no say?
v  May I speak for the teenage daughter? The daughter still in school who truly will have no options without her high school degree? The daughter who truly cannot fathom how she would care for a little one, finish high school, and pursue higher education all together? The daughter whose parents are too angry to help?
v  May I speak for the homeless woman who was raped? The woman who didn’t know if she could bring a baby into the world knowing that someday that little one would learn the truth of their conception?
v  May I speak for the woman who is in slavery to her pimp? The woman whose life is in danger every single day? The woman who will face certain death if she fights for the life of her unborn child?
v  May I speak for all the women, the men, the fathers, the mothers, the grandparents, the aunts and uncles, the cousins who are too broken, too trapped in their own situations to help even their own relatives?

Folks, people are broken, beat-down, trapped, helpless, without hope, and … dying. It’s not just the babies. And you know what I don’t want to hear about? I don’t want to hear about all the programs there are for the people and situations I have mentioned above. I don’t want to hear about how “if we just had abstinence training.” I don’t want to hear about how there are so many who would love to adopt. I don’t want to hear from you about the choices that men and women have.
I know all your arguments. I’ve even spouted most of them. I used to wear a t-shirt that looked like this.

Brothers and sisters, do you know that there are PEOPLE on all sides of this issue? People. Souls. And do you know what they need? They need PEOPLE. People to step up. People who will walk their talk. People who are humble enough to realize that all of their “answers,” t-shirts, and re-posting don’t replace the love and acceptance of a person. People who are willing to fill the gap, stand in the line and do their part. People who care about life - the unborn lives, the broken lives, the hopeless lives. People who are willing to get off of their spiritual butts, stop spouting spiritual fluff, step out of their cushy homes and friendship circles, take off their bold t-shirt, and do something.

Love. Be present in the lives of others. Foster. Adopt. Babysit. Become licensed to give respite care to foster parents. Open a room for a child in need. Sit and talk with a single mom. Give a ride. Give a car! Tutor for a GED. Give money. Give time. Cook a meal. Teach someone to cook. Counsel. Be a friend. Smile. Volunteer. Be patient with the woman holding up the line as she tries to sort out her WIC checks and food stamps. Buy her kids a treat. Help a boy learn what it is to be a man. Teach them to treat women with respect. Be a crossing guard. Become a CASA.

Do. Something.

I don’t know what it is for you. I don’t know what it is God has given you that you need to start giving to others, or what you have been doing that you need to stop, but please, do it today.

Lives depend on it.

1 comment:

  1. Lydia. This is beautiful and SO needed and true!
    So often we become consumed with "right" that we overlook the hurting souls.
    Thank you!!!!
